
来源:互联网新闻 时间:2020-05-02 07:49

新华网10月31日电 据美国科技博客Gizmodo报道,最近我们听说了黑客能在深海造成什么灾难,但目前所有的新闻仅限于安全研究员之间,他们是为了研究如果轮船的导航系统被黑会造成什么灾难。不过现在这些新闻都过时了。

一艘伊朗油轮最近黑了船上的自动识别系统(AIS),使得自己在系统上看不到了,也许是为了躲避国际制裁。Ramtin号原油运输船本月初离开伊朗港口并向新加坡行进。但是在半路上,船上的海事移动服务认证系统(MMSI)不明不白地把船认证成为了更小的油轮Hamodo K号。海事博客gCaptain指出,这里面肯定有问题:

Ramtin的IMO编号没变,但是MMSI编号成了Hamoda K号的,这艘船不在OFAC的黑名单上。这种“共享”身份的做法和两艘船行动在时间上的紧密性,看起来像是Hamoda K号被操控来掩盖Ramtin号在马来西亚附近水域的活动。






An Iranian Oil Tanker Hacked Its Own Tracking System to Avoid Detection

Lately, we\'ve seen how hackers can cause havoc on the high seas, but the shenanigans have been limited to security researchers for the most part. They wanted to prove that it was possible to do things like take over a ship\'s navigation system so that it doesn\'t happen in real life. Welp, too late for that now.

An Iranian ship recently made itself essentially disappear after hacking into its own Automatic Identification System (AIS), perhaps to get around international sanctions. Said vessel, the crude oil tanker Ramtin (formerly known as Volga), left port in Iran earlier this month on its way towards Singapore. However, on the way, its Maritime Mobile Service Identity (MMSI) inexplicably changed to match that of a much smaller tanker, Hamodo K. As the maritime blog gCaptain points out, this is shady:

The Ramtin still has its same IMO number, but its MMSI number is now that of the Hamoda K, a vessel which is not on the OFAC blacklist. This “sharing” of identity, together with the close proximity in time of the operations, appears to indicate that the Hamoda K is being manipulated to disguise Ramtin’s activities near Malaysia.

Indeed, the Ramtin is operated by Tabuk Maritime, a company that is sanctioned by the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

It sounds like the vessel was up to no good. Authorities believe that the Ramtin hacked into its own AIS and nabbed an identify from a similar however unsanctioned ship. We\'ve known that this sort of thing was possible for at least a couple weeks now, after some security researchers reported on how vulnerable the AIS infrastructure was.

So now, maritime authorities have some real motivation to bolster the security of ship tracking systems. Skirting around sanctions to sell crude oil is one thing, but there\'s quite obviously a more worrisome scenario that would involve things like the international weapons trade. And hey, if Iran can do it, anyone can.

少女遭性侵后被活埋 恢复意识后挖土逃驻日美军基地现近300只毒蜘蛛日本“黑色家庭”为何欲散还休浙江桶装水企业抽查合格率不到8成 8杭州市民给地铁\"挑刺\" 交通部门古巴外长将访华2012年恐怖袭击超过8千起 不幸遇伊核对话进展积极 伊朗或做重要让步德国联邦情报局否认监听美国政要俄否认G20峰会用手机充电器监控外国俄罗斯电影《斯大林格勒》中国将映 小欧盟20年:应对挑战携手前行谷歌街景拍到诡异图像:天空现耶稣与圣韩媒调查显示韩国民众出现“远日亲中”巴黎再发名品盗窃案 巴黎西郊20块名墨西哥一警察在路边与女子发生性关系 法国里尔市中心一珠宝店遭劫 损失高达宝鸡小学生深秋穿夏装露天表演 学校被全国人大常委会召开立法工作会议 张德明年起电视购物广告禁\"叫卖式\"夸经济观察:“宽带中国”战略遭遇三重困卫计委公布打击非法行医专项行动各地举李某某案二审因上诉人更换辩护律师将延隆国强:上海自贸区金融政策细则不宜仓古巴外长将访华全球十佳旅游城市排名揭晓 上海第六巴隐含在数据背后的辛勤付出 浙江非遗保北京上海遭美国通信窃听窃听 日本没有Arcadie推手机游戏套 手机一秒国研中心专家:上海自贸区负面清单将逐女大学生为照顾瘫痪母亲休学 喂饭端尿澳总督布赖斯访问成都 与大熊猫亲密接美国借反恐强化在非军事存在 意在排挤美女兵当众脱衣比赛摔跤澳大利亚拟调查中国是否在澳倾销办公用奥巴马称正制定应急方案 应对债务上限浙江实木复合地板抽检 两个洋品牌甲醛中国女生美国遇害前男友被拘 极有可能巴基斯坦修正震级为7.7级 称造成1最高法支持庭审直播:推进司法公开促进外交部:伊核问题政治外交解决面临新的土中投资贸易论坛在伊斯坦布尔举行奥朗德对叙态度紧跟奥巴马被批是“马屁日本一男子遭遇抢劫后徒步穿越大半个国韩国决定向入驻开城企业提供2.8亿元文莱苏丹:希望中国军队常来东南亚走一嘉兴加速构建现代综合交通枢纽全球最大芭比娃娃生产厂探秘盘点古装美人TOP40:范冰冰稳坐第高圆圆赵又廷谢娜张杰泰妍EXO伯贤